With data collection and analytics tools, Ludum lets you see where you or your athletes can make the necessary adjustments.

The T2 Score: A Comprehensive Approach to Measuring Training Load in Endurance Sports

The T2 Score builds on traditional training metrics like TRIMP by adding Sports specific scaling function for each sport modality.. This means it doesn’t just look at individual workouts but

Data, Performance & Analytics

Training Load - Compare RPE, Foster, TRIMP and T2 (Endurance Training Score)

This post will compare four popular metrics—RPE, Foster Score, TRIMP, and T2 Score Endurance Training Score (ETS) — explaining how they work, their strengths and

Data, Performance & Analytics

The Foster Score: A Simple Yet Effective Way to Measure Training Load in Endurance Sports

The Foster Score developed by Dr. Carl Foster, it is a training load metric that combines your perceived effort with workout duration to give a

Data, Performance & Analytics

Understanding RPE: How Perceived Effort Can Improve Your Endurance Training

Have you ever finished a workout and thought, “Wow, that was really hard!” or “That was easier than I expected”? That feeling—whether the workout was

Data, Performance & Analytics

Length, Force, Stroke rate – Which is your Strength?

Is it better to be more technical, stronger? How much more power do you need to deliver if you row shorter? Is it realistic to

Data, Performance & Analytics

Determining a relevant training load score in rowing

Training load is an emerging topic for those serious about training. We have come to the limits of how much time people can train (and

Data, Performance & Analytics

Improving Sports Performance by Measuring Power, not Speed

The ultimate measure of performance is usually time. How long does it take to complete a race. Often coaches and athletes use time to measure

Data, Performance & Analytics

Autoupload your Concept 2 Machine data to Ludum via Float (2020)

By connecting Float to your Ludum account you will never have to type your results in ever again. The most modern and interactive Rowing Machine App.

Data, Performance & Analytics

What is Ludum? | Using data to improve your sporting performance

Training management and performance analysis tool for coaches & sports scientists. Data insights, streamlined organisation, centralized communication. At Ludum we make simplify your process’ and give

Data, Performance & Analytics

Technology can Demonstrate Improved Athlete Skills and Performance on the Water

Getting objective data that helps athletes focus on technical queues that coaches give them makes it possible for athletes to get feedback on their technique

Data, Performance & Analytics

The sliders indoor rowing test | Rowing tips from Shrewsbury School Boat Club

“The pain hits you within the first two minutes!” “It’s awful in terms of lactate build-up…” “Why would you put yourself in that much pain…?” Most rowers will

Data, Performance & Analytics

Using technology to boost performance: the UL experience

The University off London has embraced the use of technology to optimises their performance. Using data as a way of shifting the cultural within their

Data, Performance & Analytics

Data Provides Answers – but also Raises Questions

At the 2017 World Rowing Coaches’ Conference, a wide-ranging and interesting discussion about data was had. Covering data collection devices, data management platforms and some philosophies