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Jonny Searle, Barcelona Olympics Coxed Pair Champion (with his Brother) interviewed in Crossy's Corner

About the video

Jonny Searle, together with his younger brother Greg and coxswain Garry Herbert won Olympic Gold in 1992 at the Barcelona Olympics in outstanding style with a blistering sprint finish to put the equally legendary Abbagnale Brothers into second place.

A racing lover Jonny still trains and races competitively with his club Molesey BC attending major races such as the Head of the River Race and the Head of the Charles.

As well as training, he also takes on a great deal of the administrative burden within the group (which includes none other than Martin Cross) and shares some of his ideas about training load and how best to measure performance on the ergo.

This interview was broadcast live on Friday 12th February 2021 and is the first part of three. Enjoy!

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