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Dutch Rowing Champion Dirk Uittenbogaard | Crossy's Corner - Part 1

About the video

Previously described by a journalist as the “Rowing Enigma”, Dirk Uittenbogaard has been on the international rowing scene since 2006. Originally a footballer Dirk made the switch to rowing and has never looked back, winning a bronze medal at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio and becoming World Champion in 2019 as part of the outstanding Dutch Men’s Quad.

In this interview Martin asks Dirk about his use of a sports psychologist in recent years, meditation, how the Dutch team now only use RP3 machines instead of Concept 2s and tries to understand just what happened between the 2018 and 2019 seasons that made them so much faster!

The full interview has been split into three parts, this is the first part of the three.

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